Baby Boys’ 3 month Photo Session Southern Illinois Child and Family Photographer (Benton)


2020 was a wild ride! I got to work the first couple months and then I got to work in September and October. Due to my own medical history the sessions I didn’t in September and October were completely no contact.

Then this handsome doll was born in November. Sadly by the time he was born it was just too chilly out for an outdoor newborn session and Covid cases in our area were just too crazy for an indoor session. So we waited.


Thankfully in February when he turned 3 months old we had a warm day and we seized the moment. He was the sweetest thing ever and boy he loved his mommy and brother so.

I have been photographing big brother ever since he turned 3 months old so I guess it is fitting that is when I started with this little guy.

I look so forward to capturing all the memories as he grows!


Benton Lake Family Photo session - Southern Illinois Child and Family Photographer